Ecoaméricas cites CSF-supported study

Ecoaméricas cites CSF-supported study

Ecoaméricas cites CSF-supported study on roads in the Maya Forest. The study showed that new proposed roads in remote areas of the forest would increase deforestation, spark fires and cause net economic losses to Guatemala and Mexico. In the Americas, the Maya Forest is the largest intact area of rain forest north of the Amazon. It is home to impressive biodiversity, the largest of the ancient mayan cities' ruins, and thriving forest economies.

CSF worked with a group of our students from Guatemala and Mexico to analyze proposed roads that would criss-cross the nominally protected forests. We found that in addition to the typical environmental impacts roads can cause in tropical forests, these particular projects would cost far more than they would yield in economic benefits. Groups participating in the study included Tropicoverde, Wildlife Conservation Society, Duke University, Unidos para la Conservación and Pronatura Peninsula de Yucatan. Support was provided by Conservation International and the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund.