Launch of a study on forest restoration models for private investment in the Brazilian Amazon

Launch of a study on forest restoration models for private investment in the Brazilian Amazon

CSF-Brazil conducted a feasibility study of the most promising restoration business models for private investment in southern Amazon (AM) state, Brazil.

We conducted an economic assessment of three restoration models based on agroforestry found in the field: (1) Guaraná; (2) Coffee, cocoa and guaraná; (3) Coffee, cocoa, guaraná, açaí and banana. Feasibility results show that private investors can be attracted by these compelling business cases.

economic feasability study

This is very good news for forest restoration initiatives, showing that, with the right investments and technical assistance, forest restoration might be a profitable activity in southern Amazonas.

Ultimately, we are seeking to support climate change mitigation and forest restoration goals by identifying compelling and feasible business opportunities, attracting private sector financial investments in ecologically sound and scalable forest restoration projects in the Brazilian Amazon region.

This study is supported by World Wildlife Fund in Brazil (WWF-Brazil).

Click here for more information about this project and here to download our full report.