Ayago Hydro-Electric Power Plant in Murchison Falls National Park

Ayago Hydro-Electric Power Plant in Murchison Falls National Park

Name of development company or institution
Ministry of energy and Mineral Development
Name of environmental and social standards applied to the project
The Constitution of Uganda 1995,The Environment Act, Cap. 153,The Water Act, Cap 152,,The Occuptional Saftey and Health Act, 2006,The Water (Waste Discharge)Regulation,1998),The National Environment (Waste Management ) Regulations 1999,The National Environement (Noise Standards and Control(Regulation, 2003,The Land Act, Cap 227,The Local Government's Act 1997,The Town and Country Planning Act, 1964,The Nationtional Forstry and Tree Planting Act, 2003,The Petroleum Supply Act, 2003,The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 1998,The National Environment (Audit) Regulations, 2006,The National Waetland and River Banks and Lake Shores Management) Regulations, 2000
Protected area
Within a protected area
Name of protected area
Murchison Falls National Park
Type of land-use